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Whakahamihi on choosing to bring te reo Māori into the life of your dog.

Is there a hard-to-buy for dog lover in your life? Look no further for that last minute stocking-stuffer, office Xmas party gift, or special surprise that spreads the aroha. 

Teach your dog te reo is a beautifully designed, 24 page pocket sized book with a fun feel but a very serious message: the more we can bring te reo Māori into our everyday lives, the stronger it becomes throughout our communities. And what says 'community' more than hanging out at the dog park with other furry friends?

Dog commands could be just the start of introducing te reo Māori to your household, or maybe it will deepen the commitment your whānau already has. No matter what your level of experience, dog commands are a great way to introduce te reo Māori into another realm of life.

Meri Kirihimate from our whānau to yours - and may your beloved kuri be blessed with wrapping paper to shred, non toxic foodstuffs to steal, and the love and happiness that comes with the holiday season. 


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